
Children’s Book

Well. Today I’ve decided to have a go at writing a children’s book. Why not?

Thought it’d be fun so I’ve just started putting a script together, then all I have to do is set it out all nicely, get some illustrations on the go and talk to some independent (and possibly chain stores) about stocking my book. Which would be nice.

Seeing as I’ve recently bought a camcorder, I’ve titled the book – The little boy and his camera.

Watch this space.


Well… I’ve blasted out whatever was in my head. All that’s left is to proof read it, possibly dumb it down further for younger audiences,  illustrate it and viola! Then I can get onto the cheeky adult version (use your imagination for that one). This is what I have so far:

The little boy and his camera.

Once upon a picture there was a little boy.
A little boy who had a camera. He was so excited he decided to take some pictures.
“What can I take a picture of?” The little boy thought.
So, he went outside into the garden and saw a beautiful little dove.
“What a wonderful picture I have taken! Thank you little dove” He said.
“You’re welcome” She replied.
“Would you like to help me take pictures?” The little boy asked.
“That would be great!” tweeted Dove with excitement.
The little boy, his camera and Dove started to explore.
“Wh-wha-what was that?!” Screamed the frog.
“I’m sorry mister frog, that was the flash of my camera. It’s very dark in these bushes” the little boy uttered.
“Would you like to help me take pictures mister frog?”
“I would be honored” Croaked Mister Frog.
So the little boy, his camera, Dove and Mister Frog continued to explore.
What wonders will they find in the garden?
“What are they?” Dove said.
“They’re flies!” Mister Frog said eagerly. “I like flies!”.
“Well that’s good. Let’s invite them along too” said the little boy.
As they followed the little boy around the garden Mister Frog was startled!
“Ahhhh! What’s that!?” Thundered Mister Frog.
“That’s a worm!” Squawked Dove. “I LOVE worms”
“They can come too then” the little boy stated.
So the little boy, his camera, Dove, Mister Frog, and the Worm explored the garden.
“Squeeeek!” Shrieked Mouse “What have you got there?”
“It’s my camera, Mouse” said the little boy.
“Amazing. Can I join your gang?” the mouse asked.
“Of course you can” said the little boy.
So, the little boy, his camera, Dove, Mister Frog, and Mouse all continued to explore.
I wonder what else they’ll see in the garden?

Then, all of a sudden, right before the little boy went in for dinner he turned around and asked, “Hey, where have the others gone?”


Do you know where they went?

There we have it folks. All in around an hour. Obviously there is more work to be done, but a nice little start. Next stop Hollywood!