
Back to reality


The past week I’ve been on holiday to Corfu (thus the lack of blog posts). Seven days of sun, sand, sea, trips to Paxos and really big water slides. It was pretty sweet.

In other, slightly related news; I bought a kindle before the trip, which got scratched to buggery after an excursion, but it still works and I read one and a half books. Firstly, ‘The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ’ by Philip Pullman – finished in a few days as I couldn’t put it down. An alternative version of the new testament where Jesus has a brother. Highly recommended. And secondly, the book I’m currently reading; ‘The $100 Startup’ by Chris Guillebeau – a motivational book that looks at various case studies. I’m enjoying it and it’s opening my eyes to an alternative work life. If you’re looking for something good to read, these books will not disappoint.