
Another Summer, Another Panic.

There’s always some sort of panic that occurs between students when summer roles around.

The overdraft is being used, there’s nothing to do for a few months, they need a job.

Something, anything to replenish the bank’s money.

Bad times as well to be looking this year due to the recession, all the jobs are gone before you even break up!

So what can you do? Well, there are plenty of ways of earning money off your own back, rather than working for someone else.

A couple of examples are mowing lawns, everyone who has a lawn is a potential customer, washing cars is a nice market, do it with a friend and it can be quite fun.

“But I’m older than 12!”, even though these jobs are very lucrative if done right, I see your point, they’re child’s play. Delegation, however, isn’t. What if you could get a few kids from you block, and you pay them £5 per car, but charge the customer £7-£10.

Money for nothing, just stay in charge, keep organised and outsource your tools to them, do the same with mowing lawns, painting a fence, menial tasks that need to be done that people can’t really be bothered to do.

If that still doesn’t tickle your fancy, how about utilising the skills you already have?

You’re a student, you’re studying whatever. Use it. There are so many people out there that could use your insight into whatever it is that you do. Networking? I’m sure you know more than just the basics and can offer very good prices for small businesses. Graphic designer? Sell your skills, you know the software more than the people that need the work done and you also have a better eye for it (hopefully).

Whatever you’re doing, there is some sort of a demand, but if all else fails… get a job.


Curriculum Vitae

So, being a student and nearing the end of my first year of university, I have an inkling that I’m going to need a summer job. Esspecially if I’m to go on a summer holiday and pay off my overdraft before next year.

I looked at my CV and it didn’t really appeal to me anymore – It seemed boring. A standard 2 page CV with information on it, had a nice simple layout, however it just wasn’t what I wanted to send out.

After a few hours deciding on what I wanted, I put it together in Indesign with the aid of photoshop and have created an “interactive” PDF CV.

Obviously I would have to submit it here so you can have a crack at it and see what it’s like. So I will. Obviously without the references and I wouldn’t want to divulge their personal information without their permission.

Download it here: CV 25/04/09