
Intelligent Twitter Avatar

A very clever man, Matthew Knight (@webponce), has written a brilliant article about how he has dynamically connected his Gmail and Twitter avatar so that the picture changes to match the number of emails in his inbox.

The code he’s put together is actually quite simple. Definitely innovative. I’m planning on replicating this mechanic, but instead of counting unread emails, I’m going to attempt to match my photo to the time of day.


Journal Makings

Passing on the #wisdom

Bucks New Uni’s Masters students had a workshop at RAPP the other day.

We were asked to give a talk on how we came to be at the agency as we are previous Bucks students.

I think it went well. Good enough for a tweet, anyway.



I’ve seriously got to start blogging on a more frequent basis if i’m to be the next Bill Gates; because that’s how Bill Gates has made his millions – Blogging! Oh and something to do with a bit of software he created? I dunno. Steve Jobs is more awesome anyway.

Back to whatever it is I started blogging about in the first place. Erm… Twitter! I’ve been using Twitter a lot recently due to the Twitterrific app I have on my iPhone. It’s a free app and it’s dope. If you have more than one Twitter account you can link them up, it’s pretty awesome.

And in other news… I’ve been thinking about what I’ve actually got this for and I don’t actually know. I currently use it to post up work I’ve done and other random drivel that no one wants to hear about. I’ve tried to stay away from putting up cool things I find unless they’re really cool because everyone does that as it is.

Meh, I’m sure i’ll think of something to blog about.

Until next time!



You may have noticed I’ve added a couple of buttons to the top right of the blog. Maybe you didn’t notice them; they are pretty small. But they’re also neat, and I like em. The ‘F’ is Facebook and the ‘T’ is Twitter (obviously). They were pretty simple to install, and for those of you with a WordPress blog just copy and paste the code below into your header and change the image location and button destination.



Okay, so i’m now on twitter; which sucks ass. I’ve kept away for as long as possible, but since I may be acquiring an iPhone soon, I’ve decided i’m going to tweet away my innocence.

I’ll possibly put a twitter feed of my amazingly interesting, soon to be famous tweets in my sidebar, such as “I’ve just eaten breakfast, not half bad” and “Boy, doesn’t my life suck!”

Enjoy. I know I won’t.