
The Importance Of Music.

Just about everyone likes music, whatever your taste there is something that you obviously do like.

But has anyone ever asked why? Why is music so important, and why does it play such a massive role in our lives?

It’s a stimulus. Music stimulates our brain, our thoughts, and our emotions. Music gives us inspiration, raises our spirits, it’s what makes you finally turn round and forgive someone, you and your partner probably have a certain song, it brings people together and just as easily tears people apart.

But Imagine a life with no music, no tones, no harmonies. It would be depressing.

Some of the best commercials out there wouldn’t be half as effective without the right soundtrack carrying it through. As I’m writing this I’m also listening to Hallelujah by Katherine Jenkins (which by the way, is amazing) and it extrudes emotion. I’m listening to this and I don’t have a care in the world.

What I’m getting at is that music IS more powerful than you can care to imagine. The use of it, if used correctly, is a very, very powerful tool and it can be applied to anything. Take for example Christmas, sure over the years it may have lost some of it’s meaning to the younger generations, but do you think they had Christmas carols when Jesus was actually around? Probably not, but I’ll bet good money that Christmas wouldn’t have the same impact on us without the uplifting Christmas cheer that’s spread through it’s carols.

So it leads me to ask why does it have such a massive effect on us?

Well… I couldn’t tell you. Music seems to make no sense. It comes from nowhere and goes nowhere, but it’s so closely connected to all of us in some way, shape or form that I’m sure you’ll have something to say.