
New Glasses?

No no no, well yes, actually I made them today.

As you may know, I’ve given my blog a bit of a facelift.

I wanted something to go with this theme, minus all the technical changes I’ve done I wanted something that would be instantly associated with me.  Well, I took a long hard look at myself, and my most distinguishable features would probably have to be my eyebrows and glasses. Easy.

So after playing around with some photos, tracing my glasses and eyebrows in Illustrator I ended up with a nice simple little design, more of a logo actually. Yes. It will be my personal logo (looks like I might have to get some new business cards printed).

As you can tell I triplicated it with the motion of an eyebrow raise moving from one eye to another, obviously for a logo I would have just one set of glasses and eyebrows for the simplicity of it.

So anyway, they are on the site if you scroll down a little bit to the right in the sidebar.