
Intelligent Twitter Avatar

A very clever man, Matthew Knight (@webponce), has written a brilliant article about how he has dynamically connected his Gmail and Twitter avatar so that the picture changes to match the number of emails in his inbox.

The code he’s put together is actually quite simple. Definitely innovative. I’m planning on replicating this mechanic, but instead of counting unread emails, I’m going to attempt to match my photo to the time of day.



Python on Codecademy

I’ve been meaning to post this since it was announced but Codecademy has released new (and always free) classes in Python (names after Monty Python’s Flying Circus). I’ve not done much on it yet, but am extremely excited to get my teeth into it. It’s a language that can be used in GUI, games, applications – it’s pretty sweet, and from what I’ve heard, fairly easy to grasp.


The Internet Map

This is MIND BLOWING! A russian developer has mapped out the internet into circles. It’s aptly named ‘The Internet Map‘. The larger the circle, the more traffic that website gets. It shows the top visited 350,000 websites in the world and it looks beautiful.

When you zoom in you start to see the names of each website.

I even found my old website The Cheese Grater which was in the top100,000 websites, but it doesn’t even exist anymore.


Capturing light at a trillion frames per second

This blew my mind and I have no doubt that you’ll find this interesting. The ability to capture a frame, faster than the speed of light is phenomenal, but not as impressive as what can be achieved when you apply it correctly.


Soapbox Project

This is a nice project from Hayley Goodsell giving people the opportunity to air their views about this year’s London Olympic and Paralympic games. It was set up by HayI’ve watched a few of the videos and it’s interesting to see why some are in support of the games and the reasons why people don’t really care about them. Some make sense, other’s don’t – but with an aim for 14,000 submissions (around 700 hours of footage), there’s bound to be a few nutcases, but also a few gems.

It’s still early doors, but the Soapbox Project has potential to be a huge central point of conversation for the 2012 games.


Movie Monday: They Live (1988)

This is the full feature length movie of They Live by John Carpenter. I haven’t yet seen it, but I’ve seen clips of it. It looks awesome. I’m going to watch it later. Enjoy.

John Carpenter’s masterpiece. Hidden beneath the illusion of everyday life, alien economists are developing the Earth as their own third world. Roddy Piper stumbles onto their plan and the shit hits the fan.A telling social commentary on greed, consumption, a crippled economy, propaganda and the growing schisms between the rich and poor.

Starring Roddy Piper, Meg Foster, Keith David.


Interesting links