
Klout: Passing Trend or Web 3.0?

Klout is only just starting to hit the mainstream of the general public, but is it a passing trend, or a glimpse into the future of the internet?

What is Klout?

Klout is an online service that’s been around for about two years. It’s essentially social media analytics for an individual’s influence across their social network. It gathers data from your social activity and how your network responds to the content you post or the subjects you talk about.



You may have noticed I’ve added a couple of buttons to the top right of the blog. Maybe you didn’t notice them; they are pretty small. But they’re also neat, and I like em. The ‘F’ is Facebook and the ‘T’ is Twitter (obviously). They were pretty simple to install, and for those of you with a WordPress blog just copy and paste the code below into your header and change the image location and button destination.