
Olympus Case – DIY Style

I’ve been thinking for ages about getting a case for my camera, but I really didn’t want a bulky zip up case as I tend to leave it in there and if there’s a quick shot I could have taken it would have been missed by the time I take the camera out of the case.

I decided to go for a wrapping cloth, which is literally just a square piece of cloth with an elastic circle on one corner so you can fold your camera up in it and hold it together with the elastic band. I looked around for one but they are very hard to come by and they are quite expensive for what they are… so to cut my losses I decided to make one myself. I thought I’d buy some fabric, sew the edges to make them nice and attach a circle of elastic.

I didn’t do this. What I did do was go to the fabric shop, but two 70p sheets of rectangular felt, went home, borrowed my girlfriends sewing machine and sewed the most awesome case to house the camera – then to finish it I used some iron on velcro to secure it and now I have an extremely lightweight, non abrasive, protective force field for the camera which I’ve made so the neck strap can come out of the sides to easily carry it around my neck or do whatever with it that would need the neck strap out… like spinning it above my head or something.

Here’s a quick GIF I made to show it off (image quality is poor because I can’t yet seem to take a picture of a camera with the camera that’s having it’s picture taken, so I used my iPhone in a poorly lit room).


Olympus PEN E-PL1

I got a new camera, the Olympus PEN E-PL1. It’s super dope.

I got it due to a burglary at my parents house in which an old film SLR and a video camera (amongst other things like a car) got stolen. Thieving cunts, right? Anyway, as they stole that along paired with the fact that no one used the cameras for a few years anyway, I decided to ask for a camera that would actually be used, by me.

When I first got it I was playing around with it, as you do, and I was neglecting the ‘ART’ setting because I never use them as they’re normally quite shitty. I tried it out last night and some of the settings are fantastic. The two setting I use from there (which can also be used with the video recorder in 720p) are Grainy B&W and Diorama AKA Tilt-Shift as the shots are really, really nice.

They look better big so check out my Olympus PEN E-PL1 set that I’ve set up on my Flickr account, it’s linked with my iPhoto so the set will be constantly updated, if you’re interested.



Here’s what Gordon Brown would look like as a blood sucking zombie.

…GET IT?!! But seriously, here’s my Photoshop fuck up.


Epic Gladiator

I had to post this because it’s pretty epic. It’s a picture I assembled in photoshop for the newest team-member of The Cheese Grater, Ben, to compliment his awesome profile.


Workout Plan + Epic Beard =

I figure, that if for a couple of months I work out a little bit here and there and just let my beard grow I’ll look a little something like the self-portrait below. Obviously I will have to purchase the sword and epic underwear.


Monster Munch, Monster Arms

I was playing around in photoshop with a pair of arms which will eventually be used in conjunction with a “Monster Munch” brief I’m doing, but for now, it’s just two arms arm wrestling. If you’re familiar with the monster munch monsters you’ll know of which monster each colour represents.


Split Personality

The man in the mirror is me, the mirror being held by the man is Chris Lovell. Epic.


Tilt Shift iPhone Photography

“Tilt-Shift miniature faking is a creative technique whereby a photograph of a life-size location or object is manipulated to give an optical illusion of a photograph of a miniature scale model.”

With that in mind, I took the techniques used in Photoshop and applied them to some photos I took on my trusty iPhone.

Attempt number 1
Attempt 2 - the better one.

Also check out this awesome tilt shift video by Sam O’Hare below.



I’m not really sure what to say about this piece. It appears, however, to be a lonely cyclops finger.