
Facebook SMS

Facebook SMSIs is just me, or does this seem massively pointless?

Okay, so I understand that people may want to update their status, that’s not the problem. It’s texting Facebook to send a message to your friend so you have to wait for them to get in, check their Facebook then reply to your message which you get once you check yours. Here’s a million dollar idea; Why don’t you just text them directly?



Capcom Comp.

After some discussion with a representative from Capcom, the company that brings you video games such as Dead Rising (Xbox 360), Resident Evil (Wii), and Monster Hunter (PSP), we have come to a decision to hold a little competition on The Cheese Grater.

When: I’ll let you know when I do.


Why: As a promotion for their new game that I previously mentioned, Monster Hunter for PSP.

Prizes: Limited edition Monster Hunter T-Shirts and Monster Hunter PSP Games.

The gist of the discussion was on what type of competition to hold. We thought of a couple, but I want to know what you think. That’s right. You.

Leave me a comment and if your idea is used I’ll give credit to you on the competition post as well as put a link to your blog/website.

3. 2. 1. GO GO GO GO!


The Moneymaker – Just Add Clients.

I think my friend and I are onto a winner here.

We’ve decided to set up our own company utilising the skills we already have and the ones we are learning.
I won’t give too much of the game away yet as we are still discussing the business plan but I will leave you with a glimpse into the company branding.

Just Add Clients


Media Pack.

Well, 4 days into my summer holiday, pretty good when something is happening, boring when not but I can’t help but feel I’ve already wasted the whole summer, don’t know why? I probably just need to get out more!

On another note (the main note of this post), I got an email today from the company who supply the ads for asking for a Media Pack.

I just thought it was a pack of promotional goodies that I send out to companies for potential investment and such, but in this case it was a simple PDF of details on the website statistics and pricing for adverts to be placed on the site as well as some additional information.

I checked out a few on the internet as I was a bit unsure as to what they actually contained and they were pretty long, average 10-12 pages. They were so BORING.

Who has time to read all of that?

Well, mine was only 5 pages. Nice, simple, straight forward and to the point. The way I saw it is that if I supply the key information (such as visitor stats etc.) and a little about the website they’ll have enough information to decide whether or not they like what they’re reading. The previous ones I saw had so much clutter on the page, I felt like I had ADD reading it, jumping around the page like a Mexican jumping bean!

I used quite a cheeky tone of voice it because it goes with the website and I think that helped me get away with it being so short.

Time will tell I suppose. If people keep coming to me, then I know it must be working if not, then I’ll review it.

Next on the agenda for summer – to start freelancing again, unless I get a temp Summer job in an agency of course.


D&AD – New Blood: The Pledge.

Sign up to D&AD, upload a photo or a video for your pledge to be there at the New Blood Exhibit.

Tickets are free (just print them off) so there really is no reason not to go.

Just click the image below to be taken to their website.

New Blood Pledge Page


Blogger’s Block.

I find myself empty for thought recently on what to write about. I would say that it’s because I’ve been busy, and to a certain extent I have (sort of). I’ve recently got into a series called Breaking Bad that has gripped me from the first episode forcing me to watch both seasons (19 50 minute episodes) in their entirety in a mere 3 days.

Shamed and entertained.

On another note, I’ve been thinking about a business card. More of a business coin actually. A suitably sized, silver/gold coloured, engraved coin.

It will not fit in a business card holder, it will however, fit into the change compartment in a wallet/purse. Business cards can tear, rip, get damaged by water. Coins are much more durable.

Picture this: You’re walking down the street, it’s a nice summer day, you’re taking your time and enjoying the weather. You glance down and see a bit of cardboard upside down, possibly damaged by the rain or people walking over it.

Most likely, you’ll pass it by.

Now, same scenario but with a coin. Money maybe? You’re curious, you pick it up. What next? If you keep it, then you’re a potential customer, if you throw it back on the floor you’ve given someone else the opportunity to pick it up.

So that, and some other thought over the matter led me to research about investing in a small batch of business coins.

Done properly, they would look very, very nice.


Another Summer, Another Panic.

There’s always some sort of panic that occurs between students when summer roles around.

The overdraft is being used, there’s nothing to do for a few months, they need a job.

Something, anything to replenish the bank’s money.

Bad times as well to be looking this year due to the recession, all the jobs are gone before you even break up!

So what can you do? Well, there are plenty of ways of earning money off your own back, rather than working for someone else.

A couple of examples are mowing lawns, everyone who has a lawn is a potential customer, washing cars is a nice market, do it with a friend and it can be quite fun.

“But I’m older than 12!”, even though these jobs are very lucrative if done right, I see your point, they’re child’s play. Delegation, however, isn’t. What if you could get a few kids from you block, and you pay them £5 per car, but charge the customer £7-£10.

Money for nothing, just stay in charge, keep organised and outsource your tools to them, do the same with mowing lawns, painting a fence, menial tasks that need to be done that people can’t really be bothered to do.

If that still doesn’t tickle your fancy, how about utilising the skills you already have?

You’re a student, you’re studying whatever. Use it. There are so many people out there that could use your insight into whatever it is that you do. Networking? I’m sure you know more than just the basics and can offer very good prices for small businesses. Graphic designer? Sell your skills, you know the software more than the people that need the work done and you also have a better eye for it (hopefully).

Whatever you’re doing, there is some sort of a demand, but if all else fails… get a job.


New Glasses?

No no no, well yes, actually I made them today.

As you may know, I’ve given my blog a bit of a facelift.

I wanted something to go with this theme, minus all the technical changes I’ve done I wanted something that would be instantly associated with me.  Well, I took a long hard look at myself, and my most distinguishable features would probably have to be my eyebrows and glasses. Easy.

So after playing around with some photos, tracing my glasses and eyebrows in Illustrator I ended up with a nice simple little design, more of a logo actually. Yes. It will be my personal logo (looks like I might have to get some new business cards printed).

As you can tell I triplicated it with the motion of an eyebrow raise moving from one eye to another, obviously for a logo I would have just one set of glasses and eyebrows for the simplicity of it.

So anyway, they are on the site if you scroll down a little bit to the right in the sidebar.


Misc Business Card Designs.

I have found loads and loads of different business card designs, varied with letter pressed, transparent, metal, and a few more.

There is quite an extensive array here (63 to be precise), so I hope you enjoy.

[nggallery id=1]


6 Point Manifesto For Mechanics.

Yet another partner brief. My partner for this project being Chris Lovell (blog link coming soon).

The basic gist of the brief was to write a six point manifesto for a low paid workers of a certain area, ie. School dinner lady, minicab driver, all the way to a municipal gardener.

We got mechanics.

After talking to mechanics about the jobs we put together around 5-6 six point manifestos for different areas of being a mechanic such as manifesto to success, apprentice survival guide and some others. We followed through on a more general approach but with a slight twist.

We made a video. We had our points. We used sausages as human intestines.

The idea was in the thought that mechanics are a lot like surgeons, some points mentioned in the video obviously do not apply to surgeons, yet the film, after editing, in my opinion, worked out really well.

Being critiqued tomorrow. Hopefully go well. The critique went really well, they loved the concept and the little touches in the video, and a plus for us, there wasn’t a negative comment about any of it. Overall, a very successful project.

Here’s the Manifesto For Mechanics.