Journal Makings

Development Test Page

…another modest innovation

In my constant endeavour to learn more, I am, and have been building a single webpage for use as a little test area. It’s sole purpose is to display useful information about the browser/monitor you’re viewing the webpage on; things like the size of your browser’s window, your screen’s resolution, and some other things that I haven’t thought of yet.

The page is also going to double up as a cross-browser test area – meaning that I can put something new on it, and hopefully it’ll look the same in all browsers (even Internet Explorer, even though it’s shit and I hate it). It also holds no images. Those triangles are pure CSS, a very neat trick found over at

So what we’ll have by the end of it, is a useful tool for the public, and a useful tool for me.

Watch this space. EDIT: It’s live.

P.S If window size reads ‘0px’ – click the mouse.

Journal Makings

Today’s build

Today I built a simple, one page website for my friend Alex Cuff. Simple and beautiful. It uses CSS3 animation to fade in the title and the links and also features his latest tweet at the bottom.

The cool thing (and it’s the first time I’ve given this a try) is that it utilises responsive design. Mobile devices, or screen sizes under 1024 pixels wide, hides the latest tweet at the bottom of the page.

Journal Makings

A Brief Guide to Stop Motion

A while back, I made a stop-motion video with the Olympus PEN E-PL1. It was a video of the Monopoly Car driving around the game board. Olympus asked me to write a guide to making stop motion video.


Project Update: User Manual

My user manual project is almost finished and when it is I’ll put it live to be seen by all and explain it in more detail.

But until then, here are some random screenshots from the making of it.

Journal Makings

Passing on the #wisdom

Bucks New Uni’s Masters students had a workshop at RAPP the other day.

We were asked to give a talk on how we came to be at the agency as we are previous Bucks students.

I think it went well. Good enough for a tweet, anyway.


Hello world!

Hello indeed. Thanks for stopping by Modest Innovation. The idea of this blog is to blog regularly from wherever I am. I’ve set up a blogging ecosystem with my iPad, an Olympus OM-D E-M5 and an iPad camera connection kit.

My first stop today is Switzerland for a video shoot.


Rugrats Minimalist Wallpapers

I was watching The Rugrats on Netflix in bed, as you do. Suddenly, I was overcome with fascination by Chucky’s t-shirt.

It must have been a high dose of nostalgia copulating with the geek neurons in my brain, but I just kept thinking that I really want that as the background for my computer.

I made it, and as I was, my mind started to drift into thinking how cool the full set of characters would be as minimalist wallpapers.

Journal Makings

Facebook Timeline

Just updated my Facebook timeline to something a little better – it’s only temporary though as I want one with a better, brighter photo, but the camera concept will still be the same, just put together better.

Here’s the original ‘Scamp’ – if you can call it that.


Journal Makings

A Niece and a Nephew at Christmas

Journal Makings

Hover fly in the newspaper.

I sent a photo I took into the local paper a few months ago, and the other day I get a call telling me I’m going to be published. Sweet.